Part 18: Episode XIV: Spend My Night

The Aurochs mumble and murmur in response...

The Aurochs start really getting into the notion of actually winning a game for once in their careers. But Tidus' focus... on other things at the moment.
Tidus ditches the Aurochs' victory cheer leading and wanders over toward the summoner girl...

Summoner Yuna gets up...

New Music: Daughter of the Great Summoner

*cricket chirp*

A kid runs over to Yuna...

The child runs off, satisfied with her cockblock of Tidus...

Yuna begins walking away, but stops short...

Wakka wanders over...

We’re given an option of responses here. Unlike the whole “you know how to pray, ya?” question, this one actually does effect something. A stupid hidden mechanic called the “Affection Level”. You know the whole date mechanic in Final Fantasy VII where a variety of responses to questions across the bulk of the first disc would determine whether Cloud would go on a date with the love interest that dies the end of the first disc, Tits Mcgee, jailbait, or a burly black man? It’s pretty much like that.
There is like one three minute scene it effects and two or three extremely quick ones later on, along with a slight cosmetic change to one of Tidus’ abilities at the end of the game. I’m not going to go out of my way to show off everything regarding this mechanic for the simple reason of “fuck that noise” considering the mechanic is also tied into the battle system and whomever Tidus heals/hits during battles. There’s an entire spergy guide about it on GameFAQs if you’re really interested. I’m just simply stating I know it exists and don’t give the first fuck, so don’t ask.
That one large scene it does effect on the snowmobiles I’ll show off all the variations. Mostly because it takes about five minutes to change affection levels simply by having Tidus murder the characters he doesn’t want affection with, having someone else revive them, and doing it again. Then tossing some potions on the one he does want to be BFFs with.
Anyway, all that said. Having Tidus say he thinks Yuna is cute apparently gets you +4 Affection Points towards her because that makes perfect sense for a conversation she didn‘t participate in.

Welp, if Tidus attempts to approach Yuna again one of the shrill old bats hovering around her tells him to “staaaaaay awAY from thaaaa summonnna!” So I guess all we have to do is hit the sack.
Later that evening...

Tidus realizes he was dreaming just in time to overhear a conversation outside that happens to be all about him. Not wanting to return to dreams of getting trolled by his father just yet, Tidus decides to get up and eavesdrop on the discussion.

Take a look at this right here. This is Lulu’s lower half. It is a skirt. Made entirely out of belts. Tetsuya Nomura designed an article of clothing composed out of nothing but belts. Supposedly, it was to test the CGI modeling team’s abilities. Probably because one of them made fun about his belt and zipper fetish and he overheard. I guess while doing this spiteful design, nobody told him it was for a native of a tropical island... That said, the folks who render FMV Land took one look at that and went “fuck THAT noise!” As such, this right here is pretty much the only time in the entire game we see Lulu from the waist down during a FMV.

For the vast majority of scenes she’ll either be only shown from the waist up, will conveniently be absent from events, or in a few instances she’ll just straight up vanish briefly. It’s pretty funny when you notice it.
But really, fuck you Nomura.

And with that Lulu storms off. If you cannot guess, Lulu is kind of a jerk. I’m pretty sure people only put up with her shit because she’s got huge knockers ready to flop out of her ridiculous dress at any moment. Especially with the whole world weary ice queen persona she puts on at the grand old age of...22.
Wakka shrugs and wanders over to the Crusader’s Lodge that Tidus is staying in for...some reason...

I just want to stop for a moment. Early on in the game Wakka and Lulu go on about how Tidus looks just like Wakka’s dead brother, Chappu. Except, to spoil a very minor bit, we see Chappu later in the game in... well, let’s call it a flashback. And... he doesn’t look ANYTHING like Tidus.

Hell, he’s some concept art of Chappu. Yeah... Just not seeing it...
Tidus and Wakka go back to the beds to talk even though there are clearly other people trying to sleep in the room...

New Music: Good Night

And with that our first, and only, night on Besaid Island draws to a close.

Video: Episode 14 Highlight Reel

Yuna Official Art - Well, after Tidus and Wakka's atrocious designs, this looks downright sensible.

Lulu Official Art - Fuck you, Nomura!